Boomerang People Spotlight: Welcoming Joshua Lin, Backend Engineer

We’re excited to announce that Joshua Lin has joined the Boomerang team! Hailing from Southern California, Joshua brings a unique blend of technical prowess and a passion for problem-solving.

As a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he studied Computer Science and competed as a Division 1 gymnast, Joshua has a proven track record of balancing academic excellence with athletic pursuits. His dedication to finding innovative solutions through software and teamwork aligns perfectly with Boomerang’s mission.

Joshua’s journey with Boomerang began during his senior year of college when he completed a 3-month internship with us. During that time, he quickly became immersed in our mission to help people recover lost items. Working closely with senior engineers and leadership to build critical pieces of our backend software, including building APIs to help support our partners and users, improve our matching algorithm, help maintain up-to-date and clean data, and so much more.

Inspired by his positive experience and our shared values, we were thrilled to offer Joshua a full-time position based in Los Angeles. As a member of the Boomerang team, Joshua will continue to contribute his expertise and drive our efforts to create a seamless Lost & Found experience for businesses and consumers alike.

Welcome to the team, Joshua! We’re excited to see what you’ll accomplish.

Skyler Logsdon

CEO, Boomerang