Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers?

Is your business still operating on the old adage of “finders keepers, losers weepers?” Or perhaps you’re doing just the bare minimum to return lost items, letting employees keep the rest? Managing Lost & Found on pen and paper or using bare-bones software that offers little more than basic organization? If so, you might be undermining the very trust that keeps customers coming back.

As Mark Cuban wisely put it in his recent interview with Lex Fridman, “a lack of transparency equals a lack of trust.” This couldn’t be more relevant to Lost & Found operations. When a customer loses something at your business, they need to trust that their belongings are handled with care and integrity. After all, happy customers are loyal customers.

At Boomerang, trust, integrity, and effectiveness are at the heart of what we do. By joining the Boomerang Network, companies instantly elevate their Lost & Found processes, building trust with their customers by ensuring their items are returned efficiently and transparently. In many ways, we’re the antidote to the “finders, keepers” mentality—committed to making sure no one has to be a weeper.

If your organization is still clinging to outdated Lost & Found practices or merely going through the motions, it’s time to step up your game. Increase transparency, build trust, and join the Boomerang Network today.


Skyler Logsdon

CEO, Boomerang